M/s TEAMALCO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED has registered under the Companies Act 2013 during the year 2019, and its Head Office at Kottayam and is managed by Sri. Manoj Mohan as its Chairman Cum Managing Director and three other Directors namely Sri. Biju R.S , looking after Administration, Sri. K. Sreekumar looking after liaisoning workand Sri. T.C. Varghese looking after the Sales promotion of IMFL for the Company. At present the Company has Business Association with 8 companies and handled sales volume of about more than 22 Lakh cases during the year 2022-2023.
At present we have a work force of about 70 staff with 4 professional Directors, and the dedicated work force personnel are conducting depot visit, market visit, supervising, and database management, and we have emerged as the strongest and largest liquor promoter in the state of Kerala. For managing and expanding the volume of sales we are created two sales divisions for our marketing and presently our marketing team is lead by Sri. Manoj. K Marketing Manager of the Company and Supported by sales Supervisors and well experienced sales executives in the liquor field and have a strong liaison person at the head office of KSBC at Trivandrum for processing transport permit and other matters of our business associates.
Founded by 5 energetic like-minded individuals with varied experience and commercial acumen in liquor industry, The Alco Solutions, a partnership firm started its operations in the year 2011 with the vision of being the most-preferred Sales Promotion partner for various beverage brands in the state of Kerala. The firm have a mentor – Mr. Dhirender Kaushik who is a very successful sales professional with more than 4 decades of rich experience in the liquor Industry. The Alco Solutions was a firm consisting of 5 experienced partners having in depth understanding and knowing the sales pulse of IMFL Industry in the Kerala state, the operations of Kerala State Beverage Corporation, Excise Rules and Regulations and adequate commercial acumen to build a liquor brand from its inception to a force to reckon with amongst the giants in the Kerala Liquor Industry.
Later the partnership firm M/s Alco solutions become a private Company named as M/s TeamAlco Solutions Private Limited during the year 2019 and managed by four Sales Professional Directors.
To be the Market leader in the liquor Promotion business in the State of Kerala with dedication, focus and setting up of key resulting areas.
To be the Market leader in the liquor distribution business in the country with dedication, focus and setting of key result areas.
Team Alco is a Company started by Mr. Manoj Mohan and his partners with a vision and wish to offer quality consultancy, services and professional distributorship and support for FMFL, IMFL, Beer and Wine Companies to establish their brands in the state of Kerala.
Mr. Manoj Mohan is the Managing Director of the Company with around 19 years of experience in liquor sales, administration , Production and marketing. He also holds considerable commercial acumen, liquor statistics and commercial accounting and operational concepts of the K.S.B.C.L. Mr. Manoj Mohan is a visionary and very aggressive in establishing the esteemed brands of the companies.
Mr. K.Sreekumar- Director of Teamalco solutions is having more than 30 years of liquor & ENA supplies. He holds indepth knowledge and exposure on the working pattern of K.S.B.C.L and public relations.
Mr. R.S. Biju—Director is having around 21 years experience in the Kerala IMFL and beer industry and looks after K.S.B.C.L Head Office Liasioning and is an expert on Excise and K.S.B.C policy matters.
Mr. T.C. Varghese – Director holds 28 years of floor level sales experience in the Kerala Northern Region and is a pillar of strength to support the sales and achieve volumes.